notes from the hub 05-08-24
update 05/16/24 4:26 PM: We’ve now been notified (yet again) that the move will be taking place on the evening of May 17, 2024. There has been so much confusion on my web host’s part in communicating with it’s customers about the move that I’ve decided to cross my fingers, hoping the move will be occurring sometime soon, if at all, and ignore the whole matter moving forward.
This post has taken a beating - sorry ’bout that..
update 05/15/24 10:45 AM: We’ve now been notified that the move has taken place successfully as originally planned.
revised 05/14/24:
Our key hosting provider recently notified us that our server will be physically moved to a new data center on May 14, 2024. They advised that moving to the new ‘state-of-the-art’ facility will bring a number of ‘world-class improvements.’ I’m most impressed to hear the new facility “has been recognized for its sustainability efforts as an L.A. Green Business.”
Not all of the webthings will be affected, as shown below.
These sites are on a different server and will not be affected:
- i.webthings hub (
- simply. (
- joe. ideas. (
- joe. brainstormer. (
The following active sites reside on the soon-to-be moved server and are expected to be down for 2-4 hours on the day of the move. Moves will be performed “outside of regular business hours so as to minimize downtime.”
- i.webthings directory (
- (
- bulltown 2022 (
- dailywebthing archives (
- a.k.a. joe jenett (
Older archived sites are also on the affected server.
joe jenett