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If you observe it, Happy Thanksgiving! πŸ—

I simply must start by saying how grateful I am for my partner Kim. Without her, this webthing of mine would not have even been possible.

The web is amazing. I’m thankful for the people encountered and how Iβ€˜ve benefitted from the wealth of knowledge and ideas it provides. I don’t think there’s a better way for me to celebrate than to share (just a few of the many) people and sites I’m thankful for:

This list represents only a fraction of the many web people and sites I’m thankful for (but they’re at top of mind). If you’re reading this, I’m grateful you’re here - add yourself to the top of the list!

Thank you all!

β€˜no-nonsense’ curated tools directory


Tools kept it simple

😎 πŸ‘ πŸ› οΈ

notes from the hub 11-25-24


For those of you who exploreΒ iwebthings’ Pinboard bookmarks, I’m currently working on improving the collection’s organization. While troubleshooting recent syncing issues, I decided to clean it up a bit at the same time.

I’m gradually reviewing and repopulating the bookmarks. In the end, updating Pinboard should be a faster, smoother, and more frequent process.


β€œLet’s play some chess!”


[tdjones, of course! 😎]

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Welcome to the hub of i.webthings, an independent, noncommercial web initiative.

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joe jenett

    a curator (of sorts)

    The i.webthings hub is intended
    for a mature audience.

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