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morning surf report 07-25-24

I’ve been meaning to get back to Frills’ Bookmarks so I started there first thing this morning and something hit me immediately:

Web publishing for yourself

I do sometimes wonder if other people browse the web in the same way that I do.

Often wondering the same thing myself, I naturally head out to read Phil’s article where I find several more goodies (he’s got a huge blogroll too):

  • Awesome Small Web Publishing
    A huge list of resources!
  • nekoweb

    a free static website hosting service, created in 2022 2023 2024 by a group of coders, programmers and artists, passionate for the old web and personal websites.

Joe’s wondering again - nekoweb reminds me of web neko (that cute little critter in the corner at bulltown). Oddly enough, nekoweb has a web neko too. Seemed to me there must be a connection but I was unable to find it (not yet, anyway).

After playing with the cute little Neko a bit, I remember something my buddy Brad boosted a few days ago:

A Blog Directory

A home for everyone's blog and post rolls.

The domain, blogroll.club reminded me of blogroll.org - both sites are fine starting points for a little web exploring, imo.

At blogroll.club, I discovered httpster.io (which oddly enough, reminded me of httpster.net, but I digress). One of Sami’s recent posts caught my attention:

The interweb sucks

Sometimes the silly things make it all worth it.

Not a bad morning, thank you...

notes from the hub 07-22-24

Just a quick note. If the homepage looks a little odd, please empty your cache. Some of my recent changes may require that, depending on which browser you’re using.

Thanks for stopping by.

𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙥 07-21-24

a cool ‘walkie-talkie for the web’

Update 07/25/24: TL:DR - After starting the walkie-talkie and joining (which includes allowing microphone access), anyone shown as ‘online’ will hear you when you speak (press and hold the ‘talk’ button). You’ll be shown as ‘online’ as long as the homepage remains open in your browser. 😎


So cool! I’m excited to share this puppy.

Overtalk, made by a web enthusiast named Vasanth

A frictionless peer-to-peer audio chat app for the web that can be embedded in any web page.

Music to my ears! My better half Kim and I tested it yesterday - it works great!

I set up a channel at Overtalk / iwebthings and if it shows I’m online, feel free to give me a literal shout out.

Needless to say, this cool idea inspired me to tinker a bit with the idea of embedding the channel here at the hub.

Though it worked fine in later versions of Firefox, Safari, and Vivaldi, my idea for adding the embedded channel didn’t work in some other browsers, such as the older version of Waterfox I use (because it still has certain useful features that Firefox did away with).

So. I tried a new approach - see the button at the top of the homepage. of the sidebar (or down there on the sidebar if you’re viewing the site on your phone). This new approach is experimental for now. Whether you try the embedded version or the original channel (linked below), you need to allow microphone access to use it.

Say hi if ya like. 😎

Note: Updated 07/17/24, 8:20 AM
Note: Updated 07/20/24, 8:01 AM

super.useful 07-16-24

My recent rebuilding of bulltown required a fair amount of troubleshooting related to webmentions.

After spending hours researching, changing, and testing over and over again, I discovered a tool made by Aaron Parecki - you know, the guy behind Webmention.io and Telegraph - a key player in the IndieWeb community.

The tool saved me hours and gave me a fresh start on optimizing webmentions on bulltown as well as two other webthings. If you code your own website and use webmentions, you might find it useful too:

PHP Microformats Parser

Thanks Aaron!

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joe jenett

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